A great replacement for Sea-Bond Denturite.Stops discomfort of soggy pastes and powders, and also provides a firm fit. Has given thousands of denture wearers temporary relief from loose, troublesome dentures. Can be used for plastic and rubber dentures.0.20 oz. GREAT REPLACEMENT FOR SEA-BOND DENTURITE!
Professional Strength:
Dental First Aid:
It's Strong:
Fully FDA Compliant:
Fixes breaks, mends cracks, and replaces loose denture teeth.
Contains 3 repairs in each box.
You can eat on it within 30 minutes of setting.
All products have been tested and fully comply with FDA Regulations for Oral Care.
Dental First Aid:
It's Strong:
Fully FDA Compliant:
Fixes breaks, mends cracks, and replaces loose denture teeth.
Contains 3 repairs in each box.
You can eat on it within 30 minutes of setting.
All products have been tested and fully comply with FDA Regulations for Oral Care.
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